Wednesday, May 04, 2005


eventis: "With Eventis you have the opportunity to create wealth two ways.
1. By studying and implementing the strategies in our educational products.
2. By sharing and marketing our educational products.
One of the great aspects of Eventis is that our products are designed to stand alone as powerful wealth creation tools whether you market them or not.
If you choose to become an associate and market the Eventis products, you can create whatever income you desire. You can supplement your income on a part time basis or you can build a substantial full time income right out of the comfort of your home. Then you can take the money you are making from your Eventis business and combine it with the strategies you have learned from our products to create wealth and secure your financial future through real estate.
As an Eventis associate you will have all the tools, training, and support to assist you in building your business. Our one of a kind marketing system ensures your success through the support of your director, and because of our qualification system, you get to leverage off the efforts of the entire company to help you build your business. We call it, �Ultimate Leverage�."

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