Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Goldmaker is the How To Search Engine

Goldmaker is the How To Search Engine
Patrick Hankinson created Goldmaker because he wanted to make it easy to find customized "how to" information from the real experts in their field....


The Road-Map for Search Marketing Success

The Road-Map for Search Marketing Success
The "Search Engine Marketing Kit" allows you to learn best-practice strategies to maximize traffic, discover keyword strategies you won't find anywhere else, and find out the best ways to optimize pages and build links....


New Vertical Search Engine Launched

New Vertical Search Engine Launched
EdComp.com helps users find free online computer training courses and documents from a database of over 140,000 Web resources....


Yahoo! Offers Free Local Business Web Sites

Yahoo! Offers Free Local Business Web Sites
The new free business website feature at Yahoo! Local includes a free 5-page web site that is easily customized with a company logo, text and links to other sites....


GooglePreview Firefox Extension

GooglePreview Firefox Extension
If you are an avid fan of the Firefox web browser and use Google a lot, then this may be a welcome feature. You can actually see a snapshot of each site before you actually click on it....


SearchFeed Partners with KERclink

SearchFeed Partners with KERclink
Searchfeed.com sponsored ads will be displayed on the KERclink portal through a “shuffling system” in which relevant content is shuffled in once every 3 hours for each active Internet user....


Yahoo! Unveils Yahoo! Creative Commons Search Beta

Yahoo! Unveils Yahoo! Creative Commons Search Beta
Yahoo! today unveiled its new Creative Commons Search Beta where you can find content you can "use for commercial purposes" or content that you can "modify, adapt, or build upon"....


MSN's New Beta Shopping Search Engine

MSN's New Beta Shopping Search Engine
MSN is quietly beta testing a new shopping search engine which some say will rival Froogle, Google's shopping search engine. Apparently the new beta site rolled out about a month ago....


The Terrier Project

The Terrier Project
Terrier is different because it includes a novel link analysis component that is more general than Google’s PageRank, does not use parameters such as the damping factor, can be applied in a query-dependent or independent way, and could be used...


New Web Directory Pays Category Editors

New Web Directory Pays Category Editors
Zenome, a new web search directory, is providing opportunities for indexers and editors to become category editors--and get paid for it....


Yahoo! Buzz Index Sheds Light on Local Search

Yahoo! Buzz Index Sheds Light on Local Search
According to Yahoo!, major chain stores dominate the top search queries in their Yahoo! Yellow Pages. Also, more searches for the term "yellow pages" are performed during the week than on weekends....


New Google Referral Program

New Google Referral Program
Google is now paying a bounty (referral fee) to people who refer others to sign up for the Google Adwords or Google Adsense programs....


Cell Phone Search Heats Up

Cell Phone Search Heats Up
Yahoo! announced a new tool last week that allows users of its local search service to send restaurant and business-type information in the form of a text message from a computer to a mobile phone....


New Link Attribute Gets Endorsed by Search Engines, Others

New Link Attribute Gets Endorsed by Search Engines, Others
Google has introduced a new link attribute, and it's ultimately designed to tell the search engines to ignore the link when it comes to calculating their algorithm....
