Friday, February 17, 2006

What are RSS Feeds?

All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2005. Brandon Hong

Try doing a search using keywords like "what is RSS" and click on the top 5 web sites that come up. I bet you still don't come close to understanding the meaning of it.

The reason is simple enough, most of the explanation are written in technical jargon by search engine people or other "techies". No wonder you don't understand!

In my Videos Course "Marketing Rampage with Blogs and RSS" I have a diagram that illustrates very clearly what is RSS. My experience as an ex Physics teacher gives me the insight to understanding how people learn, and analogies and visualization are a good way to explain complex things to people. My multimedia e-book was designed with this in mind.

Imagine a TV station. You record the program once, and you distribute it to everyone's home that has a TV set. Imagine, if there is no TV station, how would you do it? Record on CDs and distribute thousands of it? And all this is made possible using data communication. The technology involved is data communication.

Likewise imagine a Radio station. Record a song once, and beam it to anyone who has a radio set.

Anyone wanting to listen to a certain genre of music just need to tune in to the right channel. And all this is made possible with radio communication. The technology here is radio communication.

RSS is just a method to allow your newsletter, blog contents, web pages, to be circulated or sydnicated by other web sites, without the hassle of copying and pasting numerous times.

The technology here is a programming language called XML, which YOU NEED NOT KNOW OR LEARN.

ANYONE can create Rss feeds WITHOUT programming knowledge. If you know how to use a mouse, you can create rss feeds. GUARANTEED. And my videos shows you how.

In the past (still is today) anyone that wants to sydnicate someone else's content the 1st time would have to do a search, go to the specific website, copy the contents and paste it in his own ezine or web site.

Would it be any different the 2nd time? The process would be the same and is repetitive.

However, with RSS feeds, all the repetitive task is removed.

a) If you are a publisher, you can

i) use/syndicate other people's contents, just by copying his feed URL

ii) allow others to syndicate YOUR content, again just by providing your feed URL

The step or process is only 1 time, like the TV and Radio station example.

b) If you are a user/subscriber, by using a newsreader (software that allows you to read news feed) you have PEACE in the sense that you no longer need to provide your
email address and get bombarded daily with sales messages from ezines.

You have the POWER to choose what and whose news feed you want to read.

Marketing Rampage with Blogs and RSS

Brandon is the author of the "Marketing Rampage with Blogs and RSS" Videos. He'll show you businesses strategies to getting more highly responsive visitors and more sales to your website without additional advertising costs, as well as increasing search engine rankings and obtaining quick listings in Google, Yahoo and MSN, by using Blogs and RSS.
Copyright (C) 2005.